Monday, July 23, 2012

For being NOThing like you're used to.

Just as you are."
They told me so. It must be true, I deduced. 
I believed it insofar as they needed me to. 
They. They. They. Them.
And me? Me? And of ME? 
Exiled to the edges of my conscious depths of thoughts. An endless abyss of destructive concepts.

You have everything you need. Within you.
It moves without you. It will be oh-oh-oVER. In a FLASH. IT. Life. IT. it. 
Pull on those bootstraps, they continue. 
I wouldn't. Couldn't. Shouldn't. Indeed, a new day IS to-day. 
For many do I look upon reflections with adoration and appreciation.
For taking the many winding and prolonged journeys.
For having the courage. The beauty. The drive. 
      to refuse that which I refuse.
      to question all that needs questioning. 
      to settle with nothing less than all that is not nothing.

And now the mission reveals itself.
To refuse to settle for anything that generates many questions. Too many questions.
Of "what ifs" and "yeah, buts." 
What if the rationalizations remain, while the priorities merely remain absent?
What if the chips fall where they may and all that was absent was fear?
What if I allow myself to be....perfectly imperfect me
What if there were no more "what ifs"?
What IF that day IS to-day??
Indeed, it is