A million faces. There COULD be a million faces and I would likely embrace and long for and miss and crave and smile at the very thought of most of them. An open book. I draw hearts on you....all of you, as if a representation of the pieces you posses. It was a gift, no need for a receipt. For some misguided reason I am under the impression that this type of affection and appreciation could cha-aa-a-nge the world. The sunlight in your universe. Like that. Perhaps having dispensed a bit and felt a bit, indeed, I am a pseudo authority of affectionate effects and outcomes. Open and closed, scared and carefree, new and old, ready and running.....2.....4....6 hours late. I want to embrace or even reject each of you and wrap you in a metaphorical blanket [snuggie?] of comforting challenge.
You? I want to invoke a connection and realization that you have so much to give and receive, in that jungle that is your life. Yes, for the record, I AM a silly, silly know-it-all. And next to....a mistake, likely. The brilliantISH kind you can't help but be thankful you made....but never like this or that. These morals of mine, they are....moral. Friends and fraternization...gah, I am the fool on the hill forever more. Those linguistical notifications couldn't be clearer, boo. Off I back. For best it no

t be....as opposed to the inevitable (I'm told) interaction with yet another. Bring it on, the Navy commands it. Oh, and of you....my OK maniacal Cutie, you are fantastically frightening. It shall likely end before it begins because 2 pages can't be read at once [yours and mind, you see?]. Teach away. And, B? I miss you and what never was, yeah? Foolish to fantasize friendships into existence. EXPECTations of obscure and compromising interactions...but damn was it nice while it lasted. Hot. Very. PB&J offerings appreciated, darling. I will likely leap and learn what it feels to have known divorce [times two.....oh shit]. DO it. Ahhhhhh, this is it. What, eh? Life...or something like it. You will never be more
beautiful than you are right now.
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