Most desired philosophies classify emotions as only love and fear. No more or less. Simple to comprehend, frustrating to conceive of implications. Of love...possibly one of my most utilized word bombs. Reasoning not known, except that I feel it, like it, aim for it always...overuse it, sure. It's a loaded term that explains much and little all at once.
And of fears? It rules daily action and in-action in ways not fully understood or awknowledged. Dragging, pulling and then halting. Down down down down downnnnn. A new direction be much desired and claimed as legitimate. False. I am a false propagator of progress. This isn't me as an emo-incarnate, this is me as truthfully realistic and reaching out a hand and resume in need. Apparently I be jaded to the extent of ceasing production and initiation. Heading, AHOY. But reeeeeeeally, is it my cover letter, presentation, resume, or lame follow-up that prohibits employers from seeing me as desirable? Suggestions and offerings encouraged.
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