Rust is forming on the facade that used to be an answer to the fear of not knowing....and disallusioned comfort. What once came easily is now a struggle of obsession, confusion, and all the other types of seemingly negatory sentiments. Strange that I can't connect the dots and when I do, do so with such niave wishes and awkward demands. For really, the only honest cares come from within....or at least they should. Confidence acts as a fresh, long-lost compadre...but one that waivers so easily. I could say it was for stupidity that the status quo drifted into the everyday normalicy of existence. Being an exposed outcast in a smattering of closed faces breaks the shards of all that remains. Sad? Sure. Unexpected? Never. Searching for simple answers is as unrealistic as riding a bike attached to a black lab. Do people actually revel in misery? Perhaps. Sometimes its the only thing that doesn't change.
Having the courage to pose in contorted positions of nudity was concise and without concern. Lovely, lovely change. I AM beautiful. Yes, me. Yes, you. Yes, pencils and acrylics. I hope to appear with a tinge of blue, green, and warmth. I hope you smile and love me all the same. The truth is, I love you. I love each and evey one of you....I've seen what matters, even if it's not always attainable. I am a nymph. If you have the strength, find the key.
Claude is changing my life, one carrot at a time. His fearful nature makes questioning my tenderness and compassion plausible. Beatrize wimpers and wags as the window breaks and malfunctions terribly. Perhaps I am broken and malfunction terribly.
Oh stop. Really...just stop. Crazy. Please appreciate the better side that doesn't require a microscope and glass of something or other. Oh and you...I DANCED with you. I smiled with you. Thank you. Really, thank you. Bananas COULD be unleashed upon you, but that would be horrible and scary and lovely and probably, amazing. YES, amazing.
Effective lotion for countering the condition that is cracked, alligator skin is much desired. Recommendations appreicated. Also...a cure for Bieber fever. That's right. I SAID it.
Ah, the goodness that is expression is present and the unpleasantness of longing has been released. This is potentially non-sensical, but guess what? This isn't for you and you alone....it's for me. The priority? Me. Me not exploding in all directions at once. And maybe a bit for you. Who are you? Who am I? Remember, I danced with you. Don't dance on the heart of bitterness.
I shall rise again, in the form of a phoenix. Help me to help you. xoxo
Alex, you always amaze me. Always.