And am I the one who drags myself off the bottom of the sea, who's appalled at what I see? That ghost woman I came to be. It's my distance and degradation that draws some in, like a crash from which you cannot tear your glance away. Perhaps something to covet, no? But those damn gushy eyes, they get me nearly each and every damn time. As irritated as I am enthralled. Already prepped for a downfall at any moment, preparing to find things that can't be ignored. Red flags or orange flags and the green ones, all the same. Then what, then what. What to do with it, where to go and move. And sure going with that flow, going with it and with it and onward and away. The flow is the flow is the flow. Aches that once seemed to have all but dissipated reveal themselves present and to be accounted for. Listen, listen in. Listen some more. I don't like what you're telling me, but I listen, still. The cruelty and the beauty, wrapped tightly up in one. Learn to see it as more or less par. Jealously and insecurity and pondering and joys and those happy sad tears. All of those and them there. Opening up and reminding me that it's possible, it exists. I'm a resilient, brilliant motha. I am light.

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