Lately I've just felt like images.
But I still have things to say.
Oddly at peace lately,
more than ever.
I knew it could be like this,
wished it true.
I'm doing the work and I do care.
I do the work because I care,
about healing and wellness
and learning from who I was and who I want to be.
Just me and me and me.
Coasting and gliding
past familiar terrain.
Odd to think of you now,
as I'm fresh and shiny and new.
I don't approach it lightly,
this thing called love.
Still quite guarded to those undeserving,
who intend me or themselves harm.
Hurt people hurt people,
and you hurt in the way I've known well.
It's ok, it's alright.
Just as I'm not fearful of being sad for awhile.
An emotion like any other,
I also know such joy and luxury these days.
The cost of being reborn, being remade.
Of being burned out and burned up,
carefully chose which pieces to pick up.
It's not that I feel invincible or beyond reach
of damning waves and steep cliffs.
But I've scaled it and learned to climb,
bridged the gap between heart and mind.
You don't scare me, dear.
I'm not going anywhere.
Not delusion, nor grandeur.
Here is where I am, as long as it feels right.
Right and here and real and connective.
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