Nag champa. Nag champa. You burn so good. The scent…relaxing. The attitude….clear and concise. The focus….much improved, at least theoretically. In conjunction with this dress, those tunes, and that refreshing salad I find myself desiring all the possibilities I knew the future could hold. DOES hold. Always and always, on and on. Steady. On and on. Chooooo choooo. AW yeah…..laid back. Money and minds wandering, but present. HA, it’s not what you think. I KNOW you are thinking you know of my present condition, but alas….the experience of new experiences is far too reaching to limit myself in such potentially constricting ways. And of MY reality? Amazing. Growing, growing…gone. The non-tangible resume skills continue to bud and flourish as if a mind of their own. Be my friend. Others are. And me? I am LAID back. Truly. As observed, stated, catalogued. Exploring the roots of needed confidence boosters proves useful, trying, and just what the soul doctors prescribed.
Oh, the travelin’ [sans], the singin’ [semi-sans…..karaoke challenge. CHECK], don’t mean nothing…..
without you? AH, but tis the risk [???] I must take, darlin’. Entirely. Definitely. Unavoidable. Necessary. For you, for me, for this leaf of turning. Not to forget….I am to discover my relation to alone and all that alone could and should be. Commencing those many months ago when I thought I knew what I couldn’t have know. And NOW? I want you. All of you. Each of you. To teach me, to praise me, to love me, to challenge all that I know or could hope to gather……and to be here with me now. Demand little. Take much. Grow and build the force. Ch-ch-ch-Changes. <3
Not much is new. And that…..that is ok with me. Coffee beans away.
Always possibility. Always hope.