Alone. I must go it alone. The crystal was never quite so clear. And still, I remain relatively calm, collected…corrected? Alone. The ever-revered existence of solitude. Ever-feared, more accurately. Brilliant. And for once….I mean it, crave it, feel it. NEED it. Indeed. Not to imply guest appearances are entirely outlawed…just not planned or fully necessary. Peace and comfort do I discover….a little bit. And PROUD. Young and proud. Loud and proud. The brain spoke AND was heard load and clear. What a welcome departure. What a necessary transformation. Oh, I will transform you. This life. This love. The very existence that is me. ME. The only life I can hope for. Now. Time to dance.
Dance Dance DANCE.....ahhhhh, yes. xoox (Many thanks to all of you who continue to support me in what I do and hope to do. You are my life, my love....my everything. Without you the days would melt into years. My friends, you never cease to amaze me. And to my family: you save me, more than you know. Thank you. Honestly. Completely. Thank you. To many more years of greatness and wonderment).
Love you, Alex. Life is big and beautiful, and you're going to rock. Truly.