A bed. A seemingly simplistic assembling of linens...becomes something of severe complexity and joy. That, my darlings, is MY desired source of escapism. Netted in this golden solitude the past few days present themselves as that much more….bittersweet? Unreal? Incredible. Oh yes. Perhaps I should safeguard such sentiments but this IS it. The world and myself in it. My reality. Luckily, you are playing a part. A brilliant part. Much gratitude shall continue to be directed to you and the….cosmos? So many sweet treasures. The kind I can’t even hope to fully capture on film or with words. THAT inexplicable. DANG? Most definitely. Professional-ish advancement is likely within reach. Some attempted progress but not enough. Why? Because I am am AM a self-encouraging asshole. The only way to be? I know not. Oh, make it something solid and stable and exciting AND applicable. I never claimed to be anything other than picky and dramatics. Standards guide an otherwise unguided pursuit. On and on and on and on…..and….ON. New INKS……a bed. AH haaaaaa....
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