"At a consistently lean 6' 2", green-eyed Timothy Dalton may very well be one of the last of the dying breed of swashbuckling, classically trained Shakespearean actors who have forged simultaneous successful careers in theater, television and film."
HOLLLYYYY damn...if I am ever anybody I hope I can be described something exactly like that.
Lalalallalallaaaaaaaaaaa. Let the show begin.
When I look at people I envy I realize….they don’t force it, it just IS. Thus, that must be my aim. They are happy and beautiful and my role models. Thank you for being you, even when everyone else told you otherwise. These developments don’t occur overnight. They can take years…even a lifetime. I am realizing what feels like a type of truth. Selling myself short I am by forcing that which doesn’t mesh. Why? Because regardless of how others might view me, I am worthwhile and amazing and noteworthy. I say this not to come off as self-obsessed but because once you say something enough you actually start to believe it. Though I am aware of my origins, I am, as of late, not keen on focusing on them entirely. Everyone has a past, I feel mostly concerned with the here and now. Perhaps that is why at times I come off as a bit impatient….because in all honesty, I could die this instant and I hate regret like nobody’s business. Writing cryptically certainly serves a function, but so does feeling understood. I recognize patience is a worthy virtue, but since silence isn’t a skill I have yet mastered I feel utterly compelled to voice my thoughts on one venture or another. That is why it messes me up to remain silent when emotions run high and why I am having trouble NOT saying how I feel. This entry isn’t typical. Oh no, it is more like a page from my personal inventory of thoughts. The thing is, I don’t have to consciously construct what I want to say….it just IS. This is what it is. Me as me.
P.S. I think I realized you might be too cool and hilarious for me. Then again, history shows I can roll with the best-ish of them. Game ON.
P.P.S. Time for Zombieland and tons of pixies. I am feening something fierce.
I was recently told that as long as you have confidence you can pull off anything. I think they might be right. I'm working on it slowly with clothes and then I think I'm going to work that mentality into other areas of my life. I want to be more confident in talking to people because I think WE're cool, Alex. Amazing too. Maybe we just need a new approach so that we can believe it. People look up to us too. We just have to believe it.