So this is it. I exist. I am alive and exist. Long before and with any luck, long after the collision of worlds. It was the best and the worst all wrapped together in a robe of inexplicable insanity. It was lovely but the thought now renders me vile and ill with all sorts of yuckiness. You would hardly recognize my direction. I EXIST. Truly, in-your-face, raw
existence. I can be described without referral to appearance. The substance is substantial. Love might not be a completion, but I’m winning. No one is right. Certainly not me, least of all you. This is all bullshit. Proceed we must. Change…we must? History shall not be ignored, not by me. I detach. Believe it, my love. Never my love…whatever words I say. Plus much more self-respect. Thank you for the instruction.
Yes. Wonderful, tentative progress. Impossible to not count the chickens when they run so rampant in the yard. Hope. I do possess it. Alright, still. Sentence fragments capture it all with such clarity. If not for you, certainly for me. It’s too early to solidify this moment of joy. What is the secret? Ah, superstition yes. SO much superstition. It ain’t the way…hey, hey, HEY.
And that which limits itself to book and drawers? Necessary. So much that it instills fear and splendid excitement. In the mirror I’ve seen reflected true beauty. Deep down. This is it. The doors shall be flung open….cautiously and with passion and awe-inspiring connections. A new day is upon us. Let’s do this.
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