Is this silence such sweet bitterness and sorrow? It's a game. It's a thrill. IT's my life. It's an attempt to preserve the loveliness that was once something to treasure.
People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people. Well put, V. Blacklisted. Again and again. I've told you, again and again. I AM that which you fear. This passion is enough to compel most to paranoia and uncertainty and anger. Remember this. Warned is what you are. And all the while, I desire so many more basic connections. Those which change the composition of the heart, the soul, the mind. Perhaps I am a double-edged sword. One of beauty and vulgarity. One of love and pain. One of strength and dramatics. AM I strong? Many have told me so, yes. I always thought strength meant not crying. I was wrong. The strength lies within the vulnerability. Alas, I AM on the path I seek. Dear, sweet, lovely realization. You save me.
Remains. I am all that...
AND....a bag of chips?
V. V. V......VVVVV.
Much love and good wishes.
You are that and SO much more. And a bag of Swedish Car candies. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd they should fear us. With passion like ours...we can change EVERYThing.
Swedish car candies?? HAHA